


package logging

The package for the logging API.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. logging
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ActorLogging extends Actor

    This trait should be included in Akka Actors to enable logging.

    This trait should be included in Akka Actors to enable logging. Click the visibility All button to see protected members that are defined here. You might also want to un-click the Actor button.

  2. trait AltActorLogging extends Actor

    This trait should be included in Akka Actors to enable logging in cases where the Akka logger is also being used.

    This trait should be included in Akka Actors to enable logging in cases where the Akka logger is also being used. It uses the name altLog instead of log to avoid this name conflict. Click the visibility All button to see protected members that are defined here. You might also want to un-click the Actor button.

  3. sealed trait AnyId extends AnyRef

    The trait for logging ids.

    The trait for logging ids. It can be either a RequestId io a specific request or NoId when there is no associated request.

  4. trait ClassLogging extends AnyRef

    This trait should be included in Scala (non-actor) classes to enable logging.

    This trait should be included in Scala (non-actor) classes to enable logging. Click the visibility All button to see protected members that are defined here.

  5. class FileAppender extends LogAppender

    An appender that writes log messages to files.

  6. trait LogAppender extends AnyRef

    Trait for log appender classes.

  7. trait LogAppenderBuilder extends AnyRef

    Trait for log appender companion objects.

  8. class Logger extends AnyRef

    This class provides the methods needed for logging.

    This class provides the methods needed for logging. It is accessed by including one of the traits ClassSupport or ActorSupport.

  9. case class LoggingSystem (system: ActorSystem, serviceName: String, serviceVersion: String, host: String, appenderBuilders: Seq[LogAppenderBuilder] = Seq(StdOutAppender, FileAppender)) extends ClassLogging with Product with Serializable


    the actor system.


    name of the service (to log).


    version of the service (to log).


    host name (to log).


    optional sequence of log appenders to use. Default is to use built-in stdout and file appenders.

  10. case class RequestId (trackingId: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString, spanId: String = "", level: Option[Level] = None) extends AnyId with Product with Serializable

    The logging id of a specific request.

    The logging id of a specific request.


    the global unique id of the request. Optional: A new unique id will be created if this is not specified.


    a sub-id used when a a service is called multiple times for the same global request. Optional: defaults to 0.


    a field for controlling per request log levels. Optional, defaults to no per request control.

  11. class RichException extends Exception

    The common parent of all rich exceptions.

  12. type RichMsg = Any

    The type for rich messages.

    The type for rich messages. This can be a String or Map[String,String] See the project README file for other options.

  13. case class SourceLocation (fileName: String, packageName: String, className: String, line: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    A position in a Scala source file.

    A position in a Scala source file.


    the name of the file.


    the package.


    the name of the enclosing class.


    a line number.

  14. class StdOutAppender extends LogAppender

    A log appender that write common log messages to stdout.

  15. trait Timing extends AnyRef

    Include this trait in classes you want to time.

Value Members

  1. val noException: Exception

    Marker to indicate no exception is present

  2. def richToString(m: RichMsg): String

    Convert a rich message to a printable string.

    Convert a rich message to a printable string.


    the rich message.


    a string that shows the message contents.

  3. implicit macro def sourceLocation: () ⇒ SourceLocation
  4. def sourceLocationMacro(c: Context): scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.Context.Expr[() ⇒ SourceLocation]
  5. object FileAppender extends LogAppenderBuilder

    Companion object for FileAppender class.

  6. object LoggingLevels
  7. object RichException extends Serializable

    This companion object for the RichException class.

    This companion object for the RichException class. You might want to turn off Throwable methods.

  8. object StdOutAppender extends LogAppenderBuilder

    Companion object for the StdOutAppender class.

  9. object noId extends AnyId with Product with Serializable

    The id value used in logging calls when there is no associated request.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
