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This command declares a named constant.

Command Syntax

'@x:var' <id> {'~' <exp>}? {':=' <exp>}?

No body is permitted.

The following options are permitted.

visible The variable name is declared as visible in the enclosing scope. If visible is specified, then local can not be specified.
local The variable name is declared as local in the enclosing scope. If local is specified, then visible can not be specified.

Name Semantics

The <id> variable name is declared the scope that surrounds the @x:var command.

Execution Semantics

The variable is initialized to the value of the initial value expression following the :=. If no initial value is specified, then the variable is uninitialized. Attempting to use an uninitialized variable will result in an execution error. The initial value, if specified, and any later value assigned to the variable must satisfy the type or view given following any ~. The result of executing the @x:var command is null.


   @x:var a~int := 5